Raving Fans
Who here has finished a project for a client that has gone really well? It went so well they are now a raving fan. Maybe you’ve read out a testimonial from them or talked about them in your sales pitch as an example of the work you do and the type of client you’d like? Here is a thought, what if you invited them to the meeting?

Inviting Clients
If you invited your raving fans to the meeting and talked about them in your sales pitch, what would happen? Possibly they would feel an even greater connection to your business, and most likely they would give you a very meaningful testimonial during Raps and Referrals.
Which clients to invite?
If you are a web designer, landscape gardener, builder, graphic designer, or a kitchen designer who works project by project, it makes a lot of sense to invite clients you’ve successfully completed projects for. Even if you don’t work project by project, you’ll still have raving fans. So, property managers, real estate agents, lawyers and accountants have clients who think they are incredible.
What’s in it for your client?
Most people are really grateful to have received a positive outcome from a service provider and as a result are more than willing to share that experience with others. It’s Givers Gain and what word of mouth marketing is all about. And there’s the free breakfast! If you helped the client with a new brand, service or website it is also free advertising for them.
How to invite a client
Keep it simple. Remember it is probably someone you have a close business relationship with them. “Hey, I’d like to talk about the work we do together at my business networking group one morning, could you come along and also talk about it?”
Other benefits of inviting clients
Obviously, they are also a visitor for the chapter that brings extra energy, might refer to the other members or even apply to join!
Inviting clients that are raving fans, at any time but especially for your feature presentation, adds massively to your credibility.