Home BNI Workshops Mini Workshop – Visitors 003

Mini Workshop – Visitors 003

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood.

This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting.
You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. 
What you say out loud to the group is in larger type in bold.
Purpose: To highlight the best way to invite visitors.
Start by asking the members….

What procedure do you go through when you invite guests.

Repeat some of the responses.

No matter what responses you get, now ask..

Would they like an idea that will almost guarantee attendance?

Here is the idea!

1.    Invite guest
2.    Make sure you get their email address
3.    When they say yes email all your members with the following email.

I have invited ………………. (name of guest) to our next meeting.

She/he is a ……………………… (category) and will fit very well with our current members who are …………………….. (list categories).

Please make sure you that you welcome …………………… (name of guest).

4.    cc the email to your guest.

Repeat the above steps to make sure all members got them down.

Now ask….

What do you think might be the result of the guest being aware of the other members and their categories?

Finish by saying that……..

By using this method they will easily make their invite “stand out” and most probably ensure the guest’s attendance.

The Referral Master®

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Michael Fernandez 31 March 2010 - 11:29 pm

The problem is not the invitation. When I invite my visitors the are very keen until i tell them that the meeting starts at 7am

Geoff Kirkwood 4 April 2010 - 4:28 pm

And they wont get out of bed for new business? Then they are the wrong people. However when they tell you it is too early, ask them for the name of their biggest competitor so that you can invite him or her. After all your BNI team has business to give them (assuming you have already measured this) and if that person doesn’t want it, their competition will.

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