Home BNI Events BNI chapters of Whangarei Pub Quiz night

BNI chapters of Whangarei Pub Quiz night

by BNI New Zealand

The five BNI chapters within Whangarei decided it was well overdue to hold an inter-chapter challenge, and one was promptly organised by the Riverside chapter and BNI Regional Director, Hannah Blake.

The large inter-chapter trophy had not been challenged for more than 18 months and it was time to dust it off, rename it in memory of a late BNI member and go forward with a challenge that would get everyone on board – introducing the BNI chapters of Whangarei Pub Quiz night. With nearly 70 in attendance, complete with costumes and silly team names, the challenge was on.

First and foremost a toast was made to the late George Farrimond, a dedicated BNI member who lost his battle to cancer in April 2013. And the quiz was on! The teams heckled, whispered answers and strategised as best as they could, with each round seeing a different team in the lead. The winners were named, aptly from George’s former chapter, BNI Whangarei and the celebration and commiseration drinks ensued. With such a great evening, it is now planned to have this as an annual event, and keep the George Farrimond Memorial Cup up for grabs each year.


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