We’re all in BNI for the same main reason: referrals. But, there are many other advantages that BNI offers which aren’t actually directly related to this. Social connection is a big one.
BNI provides a great support system to members. Just by meeting every week with the same (hopefully growing) group of people over time means bonds will be created.
Remember the immortal words of New Zealand supermodel Rachel Hunter in her famous shampoo commercial from the 90s: It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. By being consistent with BNI and maintaining your presence (as well as taking time before and after meetings to chat with members), you will gradually build strong bonds with those in your chapter.
How can you fast track these relationships?
Along with attending all meetings and following the BNI structure, it’s very important to take the time to do 1-2-1s. Because you give away a little bit of your reputation when you make a referral, trust is very important to the referral process. BNI can accelerate the process of developing trust between BNI members through participating in regular 1-2-1s.
The purpose of a 1-2-1 is to understand the other person’s business and to build trust in your relationship so you can feel confident when referring them to your network. Treat the 1-2-1 as a semi-formal meeting, rather than just chatting about the chapter and things in general – be specific about what you want to know and understand about the person. If possible visit the person at their place of work.
To be effective, a 1-2-1 needs to be both structured and social. The more you can find overlapping areas of professional and personal interest, the more successful your 1-2-1 is going to be. Ask your Leadership Team about the Worksheet ; it’s is an effective tool for discovering these common interests.
What about referrals?
There is a direct linear correlation between the number of 1-2-1s conducted and the number of referrals given and received. Those who do three or more 1-2-1s per month give and receive twice as many referrals. The 1-2-1 process allows members to deepen mutual knowledge and develop better relationships with each other. It is building this personal connection that helps to expedite the referral process. As you continue the process, you will naturally discover overlapping areas of professional and personal interests.

Scott says he feels like he’s found whānau in BNI and he wouldn’t have known without doing the 1-2-1.
An amazing connection experience for a local member
One of our members from BNI Heartland did a 1-2-1 with one of his fellow chapter members. Scott Haumaha visited Shelley Naylor at her realty business and was welcomed by her husband. They got to talking and it turns out that Shelley’s husband came from the same small part of New Zealand as Scott – Putaruru in the Waikato. They even belong to the same Marae! It’s pretty extraordinary because they’re both based in Palmerston North now.
Scott says he feels like he’s found whānau in BNI and he wouldn’t have known without doing the 1-2-1.
It just goes to show that you never know what is going to come out of a one on one face-to-face meeting with your fellow members at BNI – even family!