BNI Hits and Myths
In every business or organisation practices creep in that are contrary to the standard operating procedures. Sometimes we do things the easy way instead of the right way and unintended consequences can occur. Who can think of examples like that in their own business?
BNI is no different. We have policies, procedures and systems designed by members for all members to be successful. Sometimes through expediency, misunderstanding or a desire to try something different, a chapter or member might consciously or unconsciously change something in BNI without knowing or thinking of the consequences. These things can become habit or the way of doing things within the chapter. Let’s look at some Hits and Myths of BNI.

Hit 1: Referrals are still King
The Referrals and Testimonials part of the meeting, often called the business part of the meeting, is where the rubber hits the road. What have we done for another member in the last week?
Talking about referrals you have generated for other members is still Top Trumps and has the highest priority. Testimonials are good in the absence of a referral. Talking about one-to-ones we have had, referrals we have received or Thank You for Closed Business is better than nothing.
Talking about what we are going to do or haven’t done yet is not great for your credibility within the chapter. Action speaks louder than words.
Myth 1: The App Doesn’t Work or is Broken
The BNI Connect App has been around for a few years now and is used by over 290k members.
All apps have bugs and potential improvements over time. The BNI Connect App is great, it works and has a lot of functionality, like being able to track referrals or record one-to-one with members worldwide, as well as making it much easier to track the chapter’s progress.
Ask any Vice President that had to deal with the old archaic BNI paper slips of yesteryears. If you are having issues with the App, simply contact your member mentor, local BNI Director Consultant, BNI Executive Director or local BNI Support team and they will be able to help you.
Hit 2: Attend Open Networking
Open Networking officially occurs for 15 minutes prior to the formal meeting time and being present for at least those 15 minutes has many benefits. Touching base with members, meeting visitors, booking one-to-ones, helping from the Leadership Team etc.
Coming to the meeting just as the formal part starts or – even worse – late, shows you aren’t really interested in talking to the other members.
Myth 2: BNI Starts at 7am …. (Or add whatever your official BNI meeting start time is 9am or 12pm etc.)
BNI actually starts at 8:30am after the meeting and finishes at 7:00am the next week, just before the President stands to begin the meeting. Why is that?
The meeting is just the formal weekly check in and update. The real work goes on outside the meeting, finding referrals for each other and having one-to-ones and working together.
Hit 3: Any Visitor is a Good Visitor (T&C’s Apply)
Any visitor with a positive attitude is a good visitor. They don’t even have to have a business. They are all potential customers seeing us at our best. They will decide if they will apply to join once they experience the meeting.
Don’t pre-judge whether they will apply to join, the visitor and application process will sort that out. Invite on attitude. However, don’t invite visitors that directly clash with other members without checking with the chapter member first.
Myth 3: I’ve entered TYFCB in the App but my TYFCB hasn’t increased
This is a common misconception. Entering TYFCB thanks another member and increases their TYFCB not yours. You got the business, they referred it to you.
Please Note: When you enter TYFCB for another member it needs to be the GST EXCLUSIVE value, as GST does not increase your revenue and is therefore not Business you have received from the other member’s referral.
These are some common misconceptions, if you can think of more, see me after and we can do some more myth-busting another time!