Home BNI Core ValuesAccountability Why should all businesspeople set SMART goals for 2022?

Why should all businesspeople set SMART goals for 2022?

by BNI New Zealand

Why Set Goals?

Goals set a destination to aim for

2. Clarity on your priorities & direction

3. Clarity on what to do & what NOT to do

4. Connect with your inner ‘Why’ = Your Intrinsic Motivation

5. Accountability and a target to measure

“The major reason for setting goals is to compel you to become the person it takes to achieve them,” – Jim Rohn

Power Goals

How to juice up your goal?

● Make it SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results Driven & have a Time Frame

● State in the positive – what DO you want?

● Your Why – What’s important to you about this goal?

● Identify Risks – what will you miss out on by achieving this goal?

● What resources do you need?  External & internal resources

● What do you need to start & stop doing?

Making it REAL

● What’s your reward when you achieve it?

● What’s the penalty you pay if you don’t? 
– (make it hurt: no alcohol or coffee for a month, or shave your head etc.)

● Who’s holding you accountable?
– Find your accountability partner

● Make your goal public

● How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?

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