Home Be Inspired Do you know your mission?

Do you know your mission?

by BNI New Zealand

Ivanhomepage_NEWArticle contributed by Dr. Ivan Misner.
You may think you know why you’re in business, but perhaps it’s been years since you gave it serious thought. There’s no better time than now to re-examine why you’re doing what you’re doing.  Ask yourself the following questions:

* What is my business mission? — Beyond simply making a living, what are my long-range professional goals? Do I wish to become the standard by which my competitors are judged? Is it my dream to help make the world a better place?
* Where is my organization going? — Am I achieving my mission? Am I making plans to accomplish it? How can I change policies, procedures or personnel to improve my chances of achieving my mission?
* What environment is my organization operating in? — What are the social, economic and technological trends that affect the way I do business and my progress toward my goals?
* What are my core competencies? — What do I like to do? What is it that I do better than my competitors? Is my business mission compatible with my values and aptitudes?

I’ve seen too many business professionals and companies make the mistake of trying to be all things to all people. Starting out with the fundamentally sound goal of finding a niche that will make them successful, they go astray by changing direction every time a customer or associate suggests a new product or service. The mission gets lost in a frantic scramble for business before the original idea ever gets a chance to pay off.

So, even if you think you know your mission, it will serve you well to pause periodically, analyse your business and, if necessary, refocus on your mission and philosophy.

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1 comment

Paul Meyer 17 November 2010 - 6:44 pm

Thank you Ivan. Timely reminder at this time of year.

Seasons Greetings to you and your loved ones 🙂

Paul Meyer
Assistant Director BNI South/East Auckland

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