Home Be Inspired Disney Success Principles and BNI

Disney Success Principles and BNI

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Alexander Rodwell.

Walt Disney is not classed as the world’s greatest animator of all time. What he did have though was an inspired vision, well defined values, and the ability to create a whole culture around what he wanted to bring to the world. This attracted 1000’s of talented people to work for him, and their combined works have bought fun, laughter and world class entertainment to millions of families right around the world.

So lets explore some of the principles that Walt championed and place them in the context of BNI. To do this, I have chosen one of the 7 dwarfs to represent an important principle to be mindful of.

Read, smile, laugh, reflect, grow and enjoy!

1. Doc – be a leader in your own right. Be clear on what you stand for. Be clear on your values. Be clear on your Message. Take consistent action.

2. Grumpy – nobody is attracted to grumpiness. if you are angry with yourself, others, or the world, leave this anger at the door when you walk into BNI and your work place. Otherwise you will become a magnet, but one that repells people and opportunities, rather than one that attracts them…

3. Happy – be smiley and cheerful to everyone you meet at the meeting. Remember, givers of smiles and good cheer always gain!

4. Sleepy – do you sometimes silently resent getting up early in the morning to come to BNI? If so, write a list of 100 benefits of you being involved in your BNI group on a weekly basis. Be 100% present. Be 100% attentive. Listen Well. Ask good quality questions.

5. Bashful – do you occasionally find yourself shy when networking? There is never a shortage of conversation if you know how to ask good questions!

6. Sneezy – may your hospitality be infectious! Always greet people by name, and show them (don’t just tell them) that you care. Remember good must not just be done,
but also be seen to be done!

7. Dopey – Do you find youself dopey during peoples 60 seconds? Don’t listen to peoples 60 seconds and ‘think’ I have no referrals today. Listen attentivly to the 60 seconds,
and then go and look for a referral over the coming week.

Vital Questions, by Dr Alex

1. Do you smile and share your cheer with other people in your chapter each week? Or is that familiar ‘old spouse’ syndrome starting to kick in?
2. How do you champion great hospitality? Do you greet each person each time you see them? Do you go out of your way to introduce a guests to key people in your chapter?
3. Are you a leader in your own right? When you speak, do people listen? Do people come to you with questions or problems? Are you 100% clear on your message?
4. Do you catch yourself thinking ‘no, I don’t have any referrals this week’…or, are you listening to each 60 seconds with the intent of going out into the world, listening, finding and creating referrals this following week??!

And that ladies and gentleman is my networking nugget for this week!

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Graham Southwell 16 June 2011 - 9:31 pm

Love it – thanks Alex 🙂

Sandy Geyer 17 June 2011 - 6:32 pm

Very well written and a great analogy that all members can relate to, bet we have all been Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy and Dopey at times!

Inga von Benzon 24 June 2011 - 12:21 am

Thanks Alex, that is a great analogy and very timely before my BNI meeting tomorrow!

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