Home Uncategorised Westie Wednesday is a “massive community mufti day” on 14 September 2011!

Westie Wednesday is a “massive community mufti day” on 14 September 2011!

by BNI New Zealand

A massive fundraiser is being held in aid of The Foundation for Youth Development Waitakere (FYD).

Aimed at all of Waitakere, the invitation has been extended to pre- and primary schools, colleges, business workers, people in organisations and service groups, mums, dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles … and a special call to all kids. Of course, international visitors are more than welcome too.

The funds will be used to extend the reach of researched and proven programmes like Kiwi Can, Stars and Project K, in Waitakere.

Why would you participate?

It gives us all the chance to make a real difference in the lives of West Auckland Kids and their families, their schools and the community of Waitakere.

And if you still need a reason to attend:

–          It’s about community

We need to feel part of a community that we know we can count on – the Christchurch earthquake has taught us that. Young people in Waitakere need to feel like they belong to a great community – one that cares about them and their future.

–          It’s about identity

Waitakere is part of the Super City but feel strongly about not losing their special community and the iconic identity as “Westies”. Having said that, this event has been listed on the RWC REAL Festival in the hope that visitors from all over the globe will visit Waitakere too.

–          It’s about fun

The FYD Waitakere is the perfect choice to use this idea in a fun and inspirational way to support the Waitakere youth, fostering a spirit that belongs to the people of Waitakere.

 There are prizes to be won on the day, so start planning your getup … perhaps a RWC theme, and Outrageous Fortune outfit or anything else that will get people’s attention.

 It’s going to be massive!

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