What is Visibility and Credibility?
Simply put, being Visible means that everyone in the chapter knows who you are and exactly what you do and for whom. Everyone knowing exactly what you do for whom isn’t always obvious. You need to make good use of your sales pitches, your feature presentations and organise regular one to ones if you are going to increase your Visibility. Credibility is when everyone knows you are good at what you do, you are good to deal with and that you are Trusted – you do what you say you will do. Credibility follows on from Visibility. On average it takes at least six months to become Visible and Credible.

Three important things to know about being Visible and Credible
1. Being Visible and Credible is a continuum; we are always moving forwards and backwards on the continuum. We lose or gain Visibility & Credibility all the time through our actions. It’s not a badge earned once.
2. We aren’t Visible and Credible at the same level with every member at the same time; it is achieved member by member.
3. Being Visible and Credible doesn’t guarantee you will be Profitable in BNI. It’s not a formula. However, if you aren’t Visible or Credible you won’t be Profitable in the long run as you won’t get the referrals you are looking for.
I feel like I’m working hard to be Visible and Credible – why aren’t I Profitable?
Assuming you are doing the right things to be Visible and Credible, other factors affect your Profitability.
1. Your Category can make a difference to your BNI Profitability. For example, a low risk, low dollar value referral like some flowers from the chapter florist is easier to complete than a high risk, high dollar value referral required to refer to the chapters Investment advisor. Some categories are affected by industry trends, for example DVD hire and sales, or right now travel.
2. How effective your chapter is, it’s size, especially the number and strengths of the other members’ networks in relation to what you do. The size, effectiveness of and your participation in your hub is especially important. It’s hard to be Profitable if you are the only member of your hub or it’s not working.
3. The length of time you have been in the chapter. BNI isn’t a short-term strategy. It is about farming, not hunting. It takes time for the seed you plant to grow, and it needs water and sunlight. Your second year in BNI is often more profitable than the first.
Being Visible and Credible does not guarantee being Profitable, but they are crucial factors. Other factors including your category, your hub and the length of time you have been in BNI also influence your BNI Profitability. Also, some members leave just as they are about become profitable. Remember being an overnight success can sometimes take several years!
Useful BNI Resources/ Pre-reading for the Educator
Episode 420: VCP 420 V + C Does Not Equal P
Episode 580: Keeping the VCP Process