No Show Substitutes
Who has arranged a substitute when they haven’t been able to attend the weekly meeting and the substitute hasn’t shown up? How does that feel, slightly frustrating? You’ve done the right thing by your chapter by having your business represented when you aren’t there and having the chapter meeting stay full and vibrant, but the substitute has let you down.
Why do they do that? Sure, something last minute might occur for them but possibly they don’t understand that it’s your credibility and track record that they are affecting. So, what’s an easy way to increase the possibility of them turning up?

Register them in the APP! (Using the Visitor Registration Process)
Registering them in the APP means they receive an official invitation to attend the chapter containing all the details of the meeting. This looks serious, professional and important and confirms a verbal agreement that they will attend the meeting. They also receive two reminders before the meeting which means they have fewer excuses to say they forgot. They will also feel more welcome.
• It also means the leadership team is notified that you won’t be there, and your sub is expected. The visitor host could even go the extra mile and give them a call or a text to remind them.
• To make this work, you need to include SUB or SUBSTITUTE with your sub’s surname in the APP so it’s obvious they aren’t an actual visitor.
• The Vice President will delete or process the Substitute invites without adding them to PALMS after the meeting, so they don’t get recorded as bonfide Visitors.
Attendance and Substitutes at BNI
BNI attendance policy states:
Attendance is critical to the group. If a member cannot attend, they may send a substitute (not a member of your chapter) to the meeting. This will not count as an absence. A member is allowed three absences within a rolling six-month period. More than this and the member’s category and/or classification is subject to being opened by the chapter’s Membership Committee.
The BNI Programme guidelines suggest:
The primary purpose for a substitute is to represent a BNI Member. BNI® recommends minimal use of a substitute. However, a member may use substitutes up to three times in a six-month period.
Research shows that any more than this can greatly affect a Member’s VCP (Visibility and Credibility and therefore ultimately Profitability).
Notes about Substitutes
1. We should try and arrange a substitute as soon as we know we can’t make a meeting. However, realistically, they will be hard to find the night before or morning of the meeting so for sudden emergencies or illnesses we can justifiably use an absence. Less justifiable is not sending a substitute for a holiday that was planned weeks ago. NOTE a sudden illness e.g., Migraine, Flu etc is NOT classed as Medical. A Medical absence needs to be pre-approved by the Membership Committee.
2. The best substitute is a client or colleague, they will be in the best place to speak for you. Using a “permanent” substitute like an ex-member (that isn’t a client), should be the last resort for a substitute, not the first call.
3. A sub should be prepped with an idea of what you want them to say and also participate in the referrals and testimonials section of the meeting on your behalf, advising Members on what BNI matters you have undertaken during the week.
4. All Members need to look after Substitutes like they would Visitors, as giving them a great experience of BNI will encourage them to be a Substitute when asked again, or, if they are eligible, they may even consider applying to join.
Substitutes are an important part of BNI who allow you to have your business represented when you can’t be there. They keep the meeting vibrant and full of energy for the other members who are in attendance.