Opportunity Knocks!
The Government has allocated additional funding of $40m to the Regional Business Partner Network to support NZ businesses and service providers during the Covid19 pandemic recovery.

The funding is a 100% subsidy of up to $5,000 paid directly to a service provider to help with advice in areas such as HR, health and wellbeing, business continuity, cashflow management, strategy and digital capability. This covers a large area of business advice that could really help businesses make good quality decisions and we have a lot of service providers within those categories in BNI.
Being able to access that expertise at no cost represents a tremendous opportunity. It also represents a tremendous opportunity to refer yourself and others to service providers in your chapter.
How does it work?
The funding is allocated by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to the Regional Business Partners like Ateed in Auckland.
The applicant and service provider both need to be registered with NZTE which is a simple process. Once the registration is done it is also a simple process to apply for the grant. The money is paid directly to the service provider by the Regional Business Partner.
What can it be used for?
The range of projects is quite broad. Reviewing your digital strategy, preparing cashflow forecasts, reviewing HR policies, health and wellbeing strategies. The advice is that when applying, to keep the scope of what you want to do quite broad and to make it Covid19 recovery related.
What is the Catch?
There is no catch, you just need to get in before it runs out again!
Where can you get more information?
Talk to a service provider in your chapter or go to https://covid19.nzte.govt.nz/page/regional-business-partner-network/
The scheme is a “no strings” attached opportunity to work with experts to reposition your business in a Covid19 world and gives you an opportunity to create referrals and business for other chapter members.