Who would like to know the secret to achieving work/life balance?
Well, I’m sorry to say there isn’t a secret answer!
Balance assumes we can spend equal and appropriate amounts of time doing the things that are important to us. Work, family, BNI, hobbies sports and interests. It’s impossible!
Let’s talk about harmony
While life can’t be fully in balance, it is It is possible to create a life that is in harmony with your vision of who you are, who you want to be and what you want to spend your time doing.
Let’s look at 7 simple concepts we can apply to help achieve harmony…..
1. Wherever you are, be all there!
When you are at work, don’t think about being at home. When you are at home don’t think about what you should be doing at work. Wherever you are there, be there wholly and completely. Also, step away from your mobile device and be fully present. This includes at your BNI meeting. Being fully present means you are giving others your full attention and using their and your time well.

2. Be creative about how you manage your time
Work late or start early if you must, but in short bursts to get something important done.
3. Integrate various areas of your life
Work from home if you can separate home/work properly while you are there. Work with your team away somewhere or when you travel on business where your family or partner can join you later for fun.
4. Practice letting go and holding on
In life, contrary to adverts on tv, it’s not possible to have it all. We must make choices. Practice understanding what things to say no to. At the same time think about the things that are truly important in your life. Hold onto those with all your might. Let go of the things that aren’t congruent with your goals and mission.
5. Be intentional about who you let into and keep in your life*
Jim Rohn said “We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with”. Identify the type of people who help you be the person you want to be and get or keep them in your life. Try to stay away from people that stop or don’t want you to the person you want to be.
*Read more about this concept of “Who’s In Your Room” introduced by our Founder DR. Ivan Misner through BNI University:
6. Build margins for your life
Life is crazy busy, especially for members of BNI who are mostly entrepreneurs. Create a life that has some margins in it. Build in free time, family time, personal time. It might be to read, have a day off, play golf, but if you don’t plan the margins, it can be months or years before you put your head up for air. Don’t be proud of never having a holiday for years.
7. Work to your flame
This connects with last week’s education on Category. Work doing what you love as much as you can. You will be energised and excited as much. Get others to do what you don’t like doing or aren’t good at.
BNI University reference Podcast 136 The Secret to Balance: https://www.schoox.com/555597/podcast-episode-136%3A-the-secret-to-balance/about